Monday, July 22, 2019

The European Community Institutional Framework Essay Example for Free

The European Community Institutional Framework Essay The European community which has its history back in the 1950s when the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was formed to cater for the interests of expanding coal and steel market among member states which stood at six during its formation. In 1957 the European Economic Community was formed together with the European Atomic Energy Community, the Merger Treaty [Merging of the executives, 2007] saw the three bodies merge afterwards to give birth of the now twenty seven member-European Community (EC). The creation of this super body is based on a number of treaties that govern its operations, these treaties that were drafted and mutually agreed up on and accented to provide for the formation of various institutions tat oversee the day to day running of the community’s affairs. The formation of the European community was chiefly to iron out physical boundaries between member states and also to hasten the rate of economic development among other reasons. Due to the diverse interests of the populations of the member states, the community adopted various laws that provide the legal foundation for the representation of these interests. One of the main functions of the legal framework is to give the base for the creation of institutions which cater for the diverse interests of the members. The community’s institutional framework is considered to be unique chiefly because of its separation of power between the three arms that are the basis of it operation, i.e. the judiciary, legislature, and the executive, and partly due to its attempts to secure equal representation of diverse interests while keeping a proper balance between them. The community has got various institutions that are divided in to two categories i.e. politically based institutions ad the non-politically based ones. The political institutions include; the parliament, the commission, and the council, the non-political ones include; court of justice and the court of auditors.

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